The magical world of Magda Wasiczek.
Magda Wasiczek – Flowers, Gardens and Nature Photographer. INTERNATIONAL GARDEN PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2012 and 2015… and my Friend 🙂 Today I invite you to watch the photos taken by Magda in my garden. I was delighted and I am convinced that you will...Eve Mazur painting.
Simply beautiful pictures… My beloved irises, but not only. Look at Eve’s website and you’ll see how beautiful the world can be in watercolors. Here is her website: iris lovers.
For those who like irises not only in the garden. Look at the beautiful oil paintings of my friend Marita Brettschneider from Germany. Visit her website and I am sure you will like it. Kunstverein e.V. Marita Brettschneider / 1. Vorsitzende Leopoldschanze 32, 79206...Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/customers/f/2/e/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/platne/serwer159335/public_html/ in /home/platne/serwer159335/public_html/ on line 1488